With confidence and peace of mind, all your transactions
real estate or mortgage
Diane Lulelaru
Yours Chartered Real Estate Broker DA
tel. (514) 898-0230
Our offer
Welcome tax

From this amount, just do the distribution for the following tranches :

Tranche amount
Slice  amount

0$ à 50 000$


50 000$ à 250 000$


250 000$ et plus


500 000 and more* 2%

Then you add these amounts.
The resulting total is the amount of your taxe

* Only in Montréal Island

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No problem! The Greater Montréal Real Estate Board members are there to give you a hand! Selling a property often rhymes with legal, financial and commercial complexities. You can always count on an agent’s or a broker’s expertise to go through the multiple steps of this crucial transaction. By hiring a real estate agent or broker, you will... •Get the latest market outlook to better evaluate your chances of selling quickly. •Avoid many financial, legal and technical hassles. •Be able to demystify what buyers are looking for in your area and in properties similar to yours. •Benefit from appropriate advertising strategies. •Avoid the hassles of managing visits, follow-ups and analysis. •Be able to count on someone to collect all legal paperwork and accompany you at the notary’s office. •Benefit from the Multiple Listing Service® (S.I.A.®/MLS®): a precious tool only available to members of the Greater Montréal Real Estate Board. Note: this service contains a lot more information than the Realtor.ca or Centris.ca Website. Without the shadow of a doubt, the real estate agent or broker is definitely an added value to sell efficiently! http://www.lagentfaitlebonheur.com